Power up your brand defense with Business intelligence and AI Cognitive service. Harvest selected hashtags and keywords and their sentiments from your social media channels and content platforms. Utilize our predictive logic to evaluate future trends. Mitigate negative impact on your brand with AI-powered automated brand reputation defense. Build on positive by automatically disseminating successful client engagements.

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Our Brand Defender will effectively minimizes negative impact on your brand from social media channels, your corporate website and omnichannel.

Why is it important?

It's important to note that brand attacks can happen anywhere, at any time, and by anyone, including disgruntled customers, competing companies, and even employees.

Brand attacks may include:


A disgruntled employee blogging about their grievances.


A third-party posting a negative review of a product or service on SM.


A company's executive team behaving poorly in public which results in SM blowback.


A change in product packaging which generates negative customer feedback.


An unethical competitor that spreads incorrect information about a company.

It's important to note that brand attacks can happen anywhere, at any time, and by anyone, including disgruntled customers, competing companies, and even employees.

How it works

It will keep track of when someone posts something negative about your brand on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other SM channels. BIS will check if the sentiment is negative with our Cognitive Services Text Analytics engine, and if it is, it will translate the post into English (if required), and then send a push notification to your iOS or Android device with the translated text and a link to the Twitter post or email designated team for immediate mediation.

Navigate to our Twitter page @AZNresearch and tweet
" Defend my brand " or " #aznBISgo " to engage our AI-powered Brand Defender BIS 2.0

My company faced the negative influence of our closest competitor, who posted negative reviews on social networks. BIS not only helped us reduce the number of negative posts, it also provided necessary tools which enabled us to maintain our competitive edge with superior brand reputation.

David Chia

President Manutex

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