The relevance of smartphones and mobile applications in the global market

The estimated number of mobile application developers reaches at least ~ 2.5 million people, which, in turn, means that approximately one in eight of all developers in the world is developing mobile applications. In 2013, Apple during the WorldWide Developer Conference announced that 1.25 million applications had already been published in the AppStore, which users downloaded 50 billion times, and the developers received revenue of $ 5 billion.

Every year, the escalation of the smartphone and mobile applications market is gaining momentum, attracting new developers and customers from around the world. Let us try to understand the causal relationship of this phenomenon.

1. Practicality

One of the key factors in the demand for the use of smartphones and mobile applications is practicality.

Without any doubt, one of the key factors in demand for the use of smartphones and mobile applications is practicality. It is much easier to complete the task, using a smartphone, by choosing the right application, while being anywhere in the world (where there is access to the Internet, if you need it at all to solve a specific problem).

Unlike the same personal computer, a smartphone is almost always at hand, which, in turn, to some extent eliminates the advantage of a PC in terms of computing power. The speed of smartphones and, accordingly, applications (although you should not forget that there are other factors affecting the performance of applications) allows you to quickly and quickly solve problems and tasks, and for this you do not need, unlike a PC, wait for the download operating system and so on, it’s enough to just keep the smartphone’s charge level at a sufficient level.

The gaming segment of the mobile application market deserves special attention, which covers a huge number of global audiences, largely since the user does not need to constantly be in one place. Due to its compactness, it becomes possible to plunge into the world of your favorite game anywhere - on the street, in the subway, in high school, in public transport, and this, of course, is a huge plus.

2. Prestige

The presence of an expensive phone with a well-known brand is an integral part of the well-established image of a successful person. It is no secret that often expensive phones are purchased not only to take advantage of technical innovations, but also to emphasize the high status of a person, which, in turn, at a subconscious level attracts surrounding people. Imagine a situation: a client turned to a bank to take out a loan for a period of X days for the N-th amount. Obviously, if external attributes (suit, watch, phone) indicate the monetary solvency of the client, then the likelihood that the loan will be approved will inevitably increase.

Nowadays, an expensive phone from a well-known brand (the same iPhone, for example), is to some extent a luxury item. Even if competitors offer a phone with identical characteristics, a pleasant design and at a lower price, many customers prefer a more expensive analogue solely because of the brand and status.

I do not presume to judge anyone for their choice, because everyone purchases a product for themselves according to their own criteria.

3. Income

It is no secret that the revenues from the mobile application market not only amaze with their statistics and break all records in comparison with other segments of the IT market, but at the same time they are growing almost exponentially. What is the reason for this?

A mobile phone is a universal device, which today, through various applications, can cope with many extraordinary tasks, in addition to the simple possibility of communication.

A mobile phone is a universal device, which today, through various applications, can cope with many extraordinary tasks, in addition to the simple possibility of communication. Indeed, as already mentioned earlier, a phone, unlike stationary devices, is always at hand and, with a small size, often has sufficient power to solve certain problems. View time, set an alarm, call, send a message, watch a video - the list can be supplemented for a very long time.

Based on all the above, a logical question arises - is the development of mobile applications worth any investment?

Of course, it’s worth it, because market analysis, like mathematical formulas, never lies. You can earn on games, any informative applications, applications for remote control and so on. Mobile applications are an incredibly profitable part of the market, and, without a doubt, will remain so for a very long time, unless a new, more convenient, and advanced system replaces it.

All the same applies to the smartphones themselves - the so-called "media" of mobile applications. Smartphones act as a tool for realizing the technical potential of various applications and, thus, emphasize their importance and relevance for the entire IT market.


The relevance of the markets of smartphones and mobile applications, no doubt, remains at a high level and will remain at that for a long time to come. Practicality, convenience, speed and financial prospects - all this together constitutes a determining factor for the successful development of this segment of the IT market.

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