The global pandemic has more people than ever making big career changes at the same time. For many people, the pandemic has prompted them to start their own small, online businesses; however, this doesn't mean everyone is set up to work from home. For this reason, some business owners are doing what they can to juggle a move, launch that business, and return to school for support.
The reality is that the idea of starting your own business can be extremely exciting. At the same time, many people are realizing that returning to school for an MBA is a great way to get the support needed to structure a fledgling business. They're also realizing that it might be time for a physical move, too.
Moving With a Business
If you've found there's not enough space in your home, your internet connection is weak, or you just need a change as you launch your own business, you're not alone. Many new business owners are finding that their current homes don't suit their business needs.
When considering making a move to a business-friendly city, it's a good idea to talk to a real estate agent about not only your lifestyle and family's needs but your business plans, too. By moving to the right location, you'll put yourself in a better position to succeed.
Perks of an MBA Program
Plenty of business owners take a leap of faith by launching a startup with little or no background in business. This sometimes works out, since you’ll learn a lot on the fly as an entrepreneur. However, getting a more formalized education with an MBA degree can be a boon to your biz. You’ll learn a lot about some of the most critical concepts of running a business, from customer communication to team management to balancing the books. Getting your degree online with an accredited and reputable institution is a convenient option for those who are relocating while starting a business.
Finding Balance
Just thinking about the idea of packing up your home, filing paperwork to organize a business, applying to graduate schools, and managing other responsibilities can feel heavy; however, savvy business owners understand that running a successful business can mean learning to multitask and wear many hats. Odds are that as a small business owner, you'll be in the position of handling many roles as your company gets off the ground. By making all the changes you'll need for your business at once, you might just find you can handle it.
The truth is that most online MBA programs offer flexibility for busy students and can provide the services you need to make it all work. Not only will being in an MBA program mean you have those supports, it can also give you great networking connections that ultimately help your business both before and after your move.
Trust Yourself
In the end, trusting yourself enough to juggle a flexible, online MBA program, a smart move, and a new business may be the best way to go.
AZN can enhance your brand and optimize your business model so you can market exciting products and services. Contact them if you need assistance!
Author: Cherie Mclaughlin,