Development of mobile applications analogous to products of IT companies

It is no secret that at present, any progressive IT company engaged in the development of software in the field of web, desktop, etc., seeks to have mobile analogues of its solutions - applications for smartphones and other wearable devices based on popular mobile devices. operating systems.

Now, analysis of the software market shows a significant growth in mobile solutions. Indeed, smartphones, tablets, smart watches, and other wearable devices are becoming more productive and functional, which opens unprecedented opportunities for their owners to use such devices. In this regard, companies keeping pace with the times strive to provide their customers with up-to-date software in this area.

Of course, there are various options for resolving the issue of "mobility" of products. For example, if a company is primarily engaged in the development of WEB-solutions and services, there is the possibility of creating actual mobile WEB-versions of sites, etc.

However, this only partially solves the problem, since modern users more often prefer to use a stand-alone application rather than going online through the browser of a mobile device, waiting for pages to load, “logging in” ... For example, it is much more convenient to enter the application using a fingerprint, or via Face-ID, rather than entering a username and password on the site (many services by default "log out" users when they are inactive, due to security requirements). Thus, the development of mobile applications is an important task, which different companies’ approach to solving in different ways ... let us talk about this further.

The mobile operating system market is currently represented by two main players - Android and iOS. Development of applications for these OS is possible in three scenarios - for a specific platform, using native programming languages (Java / Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS - we will not go deep, these are topics for separate articles), development of universal applications using special frameworks and creation hybrids that include both considered solutions in one application.

For our products and services in AZN research, we develop universal cross-platform mobile applications (for example, Unitylink mobile, CIS mobile ...) using the specialized React Native framework.

React Native was created by Facebook following its WEB counterpart React and presented to the world in February 2015, and the source code was opened in March 2015. This framework allows you to quickly create highly scalable, flexible, "fast" full-featured applications for various mobile operating systems ... React Native can be used to develop products for Android (+ Android TV), Apple (+ Apple-TV), Microsoft Surface, WEB and even VR using only JavaScript (TypeScript). The basic concepts and functionality are inherited from React, for example the famous React Hooks. Also, there is an analogue of Virtual-DOM.

For companies, the development of multi-platform mobile applications is also beneficial from an economic point of view. So, having one React Native developer on the staff with knowledge of JS (TS), there is no need to hire several developers with knowledge of native languages for development for different mobile platforms (as mentioned above Java / Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS). The fact that one person is working on the application (or several people on the same project) eliminates the inconsistency of application versions for different platforms, etc.

The mobile software market is growing rapidly, and, obviously, will continue to grow in the future, increasingly displacing classic desktop, and WEB solutions where possible. Progressive IT companies pay significant attention to the development of mobile applications like their software products, and this is certainly the right position to contribute to competitiveness and prosperity in the future.

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